Teaching English to Local Children

Maison de Nongkhiaw is a part of the greater local community. It is important to us to give back as much as possible. One of the ways we do that is allowing guests the opportunity to interact with and teach local children. English education in Laos is generally sub-par when compared to neighboring countries and in rural villages like Nong Khiaw, it is almost non-existent. School children do not have many opportunities to learn so we are taking an initiative with the help of our guests to

Learn about Eco-Gardens

The produce we use to cook guests’ meals come from our eco-gardens. The vegetables we grow are free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to ensure that you eat the freshest and healthiest meals during your stay. You can learn first hand about what exactly eco-gardens are and how they are beneficial to your health as well as the naturally environment. On top of that, you can learn about local agricultural practices.

Traditional Fishing

Aside from farming, local villagers rely on the Nam Ou River as a way of sustaining their livelihoods. Fishing is an easy way for locals to provide for their family. It is a reliable source for food as well as a source of income for those who sell their catch. You can spectate and even participate in traditional fishing practices which require a traditional longboat and a fishing net. You can learn to cast a net into the river just like the locals.

Boat Cruise

One of the most relaxing ways to see Nong Khiaw is from the Nam Ou River on a slow-moving boat. Leisurely cruise up and down this green-watered river and see the villagers go about their daily routines. Witness farmers tending to their crops on the river bank, fishermen casting their nets from longboats and children splashing in the shallow parts of the river, among other insightful sights.

Trekking / Hiking

To really appreciate the natural beauty that Nong Khiaw has to offer, go on a trek through the nearby villages, local farmlands and prime jungles. It is one thing to see everything from a far, it’s another to be immersed by your surroundings.


Much like trekking, biking is a nice way to see the village and surrounding areas. The difference between trekking and biking is that trekking takes you deeper in the jungle where you may need to pass through narrow paths and climb rocky inclines, whereas biking takes you along predefined trails and roads and you don’t need to worry about navigation so much.


Slow boat cruises are not the only activity you can do on the Nam Ou River. Your other option is kayaking. Kayaks are a more active and engaging way to navigate the Nam Ou River. The Nam Ou is not a fast moving river so you can move at your own pace.

Resort Maison de Nongkhiaw| Ngoi District| LuangPrabang Province| LAO P.D.R

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